Our nearly 30years of experience guarantee a high standard of wide range of services at the level of specialised agencies. From the brand definition, communication concept, medial campaigns, production of all outcomes, packaging and products design, direct sale support, international conferences or workshops to concierge service… Our USP is a personal approach and we are proud of our many years cooperation and superior relationship with our clients.

/We are
an advertising
Media planning
We prepare a strategic plan to suit your needs, we choose the best media mix and recommend tools which get things moving.
Knowing of the specifics of the target group and the marketing theories enable us to create really effective communications, campaigns and entire brands
Digital department
Complex e-commerce solution, effective online marketing, social networks, websites,, applications… Digitally, we can handle everything.
Multiday conference for 100+ participants, workshop or exlusive event? Make and deliver anything anywhere? No problem.
Graphic design / DTP
We are specialist in visual aspect of your business. From logos to packaging. Smooth rate, prepress, retouches… We can teach the DTP craft!
Video / photo / audio
We can shoot comertials, motion content, animate… We can take photographs of you products and event. We record autiobooks and spots in our own studio.
/Our Clients

/Full Service